Sunday, July 01, 2007

VBS with our summer interns

VBS - Jesus' Birth 1
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
This summer we have two new interns from Abilene Christian University. Heather, who our team has known since it's beginning as she took Portuguese with us and Laura who we are now getting to know. These two will be here for about nine weeks helping us with many aspects of church life here in Brazil. One of the many things that they are doing here is doing a sort of mini VBS. Heather has been to Brazil before on a campaign to the south and has done a VBS there so she asked if she could do that as one of her main activities here. I was excited about the opportunity for the kids in church to invite their friends to come. Every Tuesday afternoon, Heather prepares a lesson about Jesus, then we do a craft or two to remind us of the lesson of the day then have snacks. We have been getting about 9 or so kids but we are hoping for more, it's just hard to get them when they live far away or there is no one to go get them or bring them. Please pray for this outreach to the kids, that we can find a way to get more kids to come and that they kids that do come will be reminded about God's love for them.

1 comment:

Brian said...

Keep up the Work. Wish I could come and see you all.