Sunday, July 02, 2006

Gicilene's Baptism

Gicilene After Baptism
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed.

June 30th marked a special day for many people this year in Salvador, Brazil. Not only was it our anniversary but it became the birthdate of our first and newest member of Christ's family, Gicilene. Gicilene has been attending our church since the very beginning. Her friend, Sonia found out about our church and started bringing her every sunday to hear more about Christ. Gicilene was moved by the sermons each week and heard a message that spoke directly to her. A message of hope and love that reached through the barriers she had placed in her life that had before kept her away from Christ's love and grace. She also brings her son, Felipe to church and he has enjoyed our children's worship times. The relationship with our team and other people who continue to come to the church for sunday worship has been a blessing for her and she is eager to share her love and relationship she now has with others. Please be in praise and prayer for this new child of Christ. Pray that her fire for Christ will burn brighter everyday and that she can grow strong in her faith enough to share her story with other people she knows. Praise God for the work he is doing in Salvador

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