Friday, September 26, 2008

Travis' 35th Bday Cake

After we got home from the bbq our neighbors came over to say Happy Birthday to Travis. They had thought we would be home all day and had tried to come over earlier but we had already left for the bbq so they ended up coming over around 10 at night. Fernando and Taisa had bought Travis a cake to celebrate his birthday. It was a huge cake and we had it for a few days even after giving it out to others. It was so nice of our neighbors to buy him a cake and really makes us feel great knowing that we have some good Brazilian friends now, not just connected through our church group. We have enjoyed our friendship with this family, they have helped us with so many things since moving to this apartment and their 5 year old daughter is a great playmate for Ceara. We are so thankful that God has brought this family into our lives, please be in prayer for them and us that we can share our faith with them.

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