Sunday, September 21, 2008

ICOS Babies

ICOS babies 1
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
On our inaugural Sunday we had all of the babies born within this year at the building, minus Calen as he was still hanging out inside. It was a good opportunity to take a photo and have a baby dedication for the two youngest girls. In the photo from the left, Jenn and Samuel (5months), Lidiane and Maria Clara (3months), Val and Jackson (6months) and Regina and Naila (4months). It is fun to see how our church grows just through babies, of course the boy to girl ratio was equal at this photo shoot but the next time with Calen, boys will out number the girls. God is blessing our church family with many kids but we know that their are families in our church who are still trying to get pregnant and still wait. Please pray for these couples that God will bless their lives with children. Especially pray for our small group couple, Diana and Tennyson that God will bless them this next year with a child.

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