Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Day Off

Campo Grande5
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
We usually spend Monday's as our weekend where we do nothing or try to catch up on all the house duties or go shopping. This Monday though we decided to be tourists for the day and went to one of the big parks downtown. A nice lady stopped and took a picture of us together at the big monument in the park. We let Ceara run around chasing all of the pigeons, climb up the steps of the monument and of course her all time favorite thing, pick up leaves. We watched her play at the park for about an hour then walked towards the Pelourinho, stopping to pick up a few gifts for furlough and then headed home. It was great to have a day that we could just spend the three of us. We need more of those days as we are the last to head on furlough and haven't had a holiday this year. Soon though we will get our holiday and a chance to visit home, YEAH!!!!

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