Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Battle of the Ants

Battle of the Ants 2
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
Every once and awhile in Brazil you have to go to war. Yes, ants, those tiny little ants that eat everything and get all over your kitchen. I hate those tiny ants. Well after having lots of company around and having little bits of food that somehow spread around the house and just not taking care of the ants like normal, I had enough. I broke down and bought the ant killer, a little gel that you put out and they eat and take it to their leader. I spread this around my house where of course Ceara or the cats can't get to but the ants like to come in at. After only two minutes of it being out this is what I found, they were eating like crazy, this many plus thousands more in about ten seperate spots in the house, yuck, I hate ants. Then about an hour later they were gone, none, I couldn't even find a random one running about, they were gone. I have yet to see once since then. In the battle of the ants versus Alicia, I have won. At least this round!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What kind of Ant Killer did you use?