Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Almost Five Months

My Chair 1
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed.

Well in one week Ceara will turn five months old. It is hard to believe that she is that old. It seems like yesterday we were bringing her from the hospital, yet it also seems like we have had her for forever. It is hard to remember how small she was, especially when we notice other people with newborns, then we say to ourselves, we can't believe she used to be that little. I love this picture of her because it definitely discribes so much about her. She is always smiling, at us, at our team, at our church family, at the cats, her toys and perfect strangers. She smiles and talks to everything and everyone. Let's just say she is the most popular person in our family, our team and our church family. This picture also reminds me that she seems to be one to get into things, as she instantly grabbed her chair and started chewing on it. It's hard to get mad at her for doing something that could hurt her (like pulling the chair onto her), when she smiles like that, heehee. I can just picture the future things that she gets into and we will have a hard time not smiling or laughing at her, because she is just toooooo cute. Ceara is so smart as well, I know every mom says that about her child but really she is. She has mastered the art of turning over both directions and now has mastered getting up on her hands and feet. I have a feeling that she will be crawling soon and soon after that walking. We will have our hands full when she starts crawling as the floors are not the best for crawling (concrete/tiles/wood) and many things in our house have yet to be baby proofed. She is a wonderful girl, she makes us smile all the time and laugh at her silly ways. She loves to go outside, jump in her jolly jumper and try to do things she can't do. She's stubborn like me and wants to do things right the first time (such as rolling over or crawling), but she's active and loves to be with people like her dad. Travis says practically everyday, "How did we get such a sweetie daughter?" And everyone says, "Wait until your next kid!" No really we have been so blessed to have Ceara and can't really remember what life was like without her. I mean we do remember but don't really miss it too much because we have so much joy and laughter in this new life we have with Ceara. What a sweet girl we have, I can't believe it's almost been five months. I love you Ceara!


Pamela said...

This is a precious picture! I'm looking forward to meeting this sweetheart someday. You all are in my prayers. beijos

2-minute mark said...

Well i just spent 20 minutes writing an entry and somehow it disappeared so this will be short. I always like hearing from you guys. Your baby is so sweet. We have a 7 month old boy named Kori now along with our 3 yr. old Kiara(pretty close to Ceara). If you want you can check out some pics on www.flickr.com/photos/kiaraandkori. Well, take care and know that we are praying for you. mark

Craig,Leah,Lena said...

that's one of my favorite pics of her! you're such a great mommy! ceara is lucky to have such a stubborn...i mean, Sweet mom! i can't wait to meet her someday - hard to imagine that half of Western Canada will get to meet her before I do! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful girl. Thanks for the update.
