Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Exporural 26
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
One of the fun things that we get to do as missionaries is use special events around the city as a way to invite people out to share God's love with them. As we continue to share our lives with Fernando and Taisa and their daughter, Fernanda, we invited them to head to the Exporural. This was an expo for people who buy and sell farm animals and products. We thought it would be a good place to take the kids to see all sorts of farm animals and to spend some more quality time with our friends. The kids had a blast looking at the horses, sheep, pigs, chickens and so much more. They even had some puppy's which of course was Calen's favorite thing. It was neat to see different types of cows and the kind of sheep that the girls are standing by. It was also a special time to spend with our friends. Recently, Taisa got a new job so we do not get to spend as much time with them as they both work pretty late. Please pray for Taisa as she has expressed that this job is not very good and the people are hard to work with. Please pray that this job will be an opening for another better job, one that she really was hoping for when she applied. Continue to keep this family in your prayers as we continue to work here and share our lives with them.

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