Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Two Tunics

Two Tunics 10
Originally uploaded by Brazil Bean Brewed
Our church had a special giveaway after a Sunday service. We called this 'Two Tunics' from the passage in the Bible that tells us to give away our other tunic. Well sometimes when you are looking around your house, you begin to realize that at times you have stuff that you never use or have too many of. So we had a giveaway where everyone in our church brought the things that they don't use anymore or have too many of. Then after service everyone was able to go look and find something that they needed or would use. We did word of mouth advertising as we wanted this to be something for our church family. To bless each other with the things that God has blessed us with. Of course we had more then our church family show up to receive a new (used) thing but it was great to get rid of our things and bless others with them. I am sure this will be something we do again but not for awhile.

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