Thursday, August 14, 2008

Unplanned Work Day

Yesterday became a sort of unplanned work day up at the building. This next Sunday will be our church buildings inaugural service to the neighborhood and community so there have been some things that needed to be done to make it more of a workable place to meet the needs of the community. One of those things was painting, not just the main rooms but the other parts of the building, like the nursery, the children's room and what you see Val doing, the sign. We also were painting the sign that we hope to put up at the back door, we were building and sanding shelves to be used throughout the building and had a man working there to fix the back walk way so that there was a better entrance for the neighborhood to the back of the building. Of course we still have some things to do but hopefully this Saturday's work day and the days after our inaugural service, we will have more done so that our building can be better serving our community and our church family. I of course am excited about getting our children's classroom painted to make it a more friendly place for our kids, but that will have to wait for a bit if this baby makes it's presence in the world soon. Of course check out more progress on our flicker photos. Please also be in prayer for this Sunday's inaugural service, that the neighborhood comes and is blessed by our church and that God uses our church family to bring Him glory in this new place.

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