Thursday, May 15, 2008

Second Pregnancy - Week 24

So here I am at 24 weeks, we went to see the baby in an ultrasound the other day and everything looks great. I wish I was closer to the due date though as I hope to not get too much bigger than this. Oh well, I suppose we have to wait another 16 weeks till this baby comes. Ceara is great and keeps pointing to my tummy and saying baby. She even will at times come up and give my belly a hug and kiss. I wonder just how much she knows about a baby actually being in there. Probably not too much but she knows something. She even tells us it's a boy every time we ask her but we still don't know what it is. Even this last ultrasound it hid from us, so we will wait 16 more weeks to see if Ceara has predicted it right or if she was wrong and she gets a baby sister. We will see. This time everyone has a varied opinion on the sex where as with Ceara almost everyone said she was a girl. I don't know what we will have but we will be happy with either. The only thing is trying to decide on another girls name in case it's a girl. Luckily the boys name can be moved on from when we had Ceara. We will see how the last weeks go, please pray for me as I deal with a larger belly and chasing around our very active little girl as well.


Anonymous said...

Hey Sass Fam! Trent Tanaro here. I think this is Alicia's blog, hey I was in your husbands AIM class. Tell em hi for me and to get in touch with me. My email in and my blog address:

I would love to hear from yall, your lil family is beautiful. We have two boys 19mos and 4yrs they are an adventure. I look forward to hearing from yall.

Trent & Marlana Tanaro

Pamela said...

I'm very excited for you guys and praying for all 4 of you!